Recent News

As your local water utility provider, we strive to keep you continually updated on all matters related to your water service. Subscribe to our website and receive News delivered to your email inbox.

Water Meter Installation Complete

The installation of new water meters has been completed for the entire system. 

Once the implementation of new functions has been completed, customer portals will be available for you to track...

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Meter Installation - June 17th - Route 8

The water meter installation crew will be moving into Route 8 on Monday, June 17th.

There are still some meters they were unable to change out due to trees and debris being on top of the meter...

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Meter Installation - Route 7 - June 10th

The meter installers have moved into Route 7 today, Monday June 10th (picture can be seen in News Articles under the News & Notices tab on this website or on our FaceBook page). 

Please do not...

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Meter Installation - May 20, 2024 - Route 6

The meter installation crews are moving into Route 6 beginning Monday, May 20, 2024.

Route 5 is not yet completed but it is necessary for them to stop in route 5 to allow us to read the remaining...

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Meter Installation - Route 5 - May10th

The meter installation crews are moving on to Route 5 beginning Friday afternoon, May 10th.  (see map under NEWS & NOTICES, then NEWS ARTICLES and scroll to the bottom and look for Route 5 - May...

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Meter Installation - Beginning May 1st

The water meter installers continue to move forward on changing out our water meters.   Beginning today, they will move into Route 4 (map can be viewed under the News Articles tab at the bottom of...

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Meter Installation - Route 3 - April 18 2024

Update on Meter Installation:  The Installation Crew has been slowed down quite a bit from all of the rain we have received, but they are still working and moving forward.  There are about 90...

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Notice of Public Comment - Water Conservation Plan

The Board of Directors will allow public comment on the District's Draft Water Conservation Plan at the Board of Directors' meeting April 23, 2024. 

This plan can be viewed on the NEWS and...

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Meter Installation Area Beginning April 2nd

The meter installation crew is finishing up on the first route and will be moving into the second route April 2nd.  (Map can be viewed on the NEWS AND NOTICES tab under NEWS ARTICLES.)

We are...

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Meter Installation Crew Working Saturday

The meter installation crew will be working tomorrow, Saturday, March 23rd.

They will be working in the same area as indicated on the map for this week.  

The map can be viewed in the NEWS...

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Meter Change Out

We are in the process of replacing our water meters.   You may have seen a blue flag at the meter on your property.  We put these out to help the crews locate the water meters.  Please don't...

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Call Before you dig

With the onset of Spring just around the corner, please remember the law requires you to call 811 two business days, (excluding weekends and holidays), before you dig.  This includes digging holes...

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Water Rate Increase Effective Oct. 1, 2023

Due to an increase from both of our water suppliers, Ordinance #2023-04 was passed by the Board of Directors on August 22, 2023, increasing our water rates by .45/per 1000 gallons of water.  This...

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Hours of Operation Change

Effective August 1, 2023 the Office hours of operation will change to Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.  This will include the drive-thru window and the lobby.

As always, the dropbox, on-line...

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Field Crew moves to earlier hours

In an effort to minimize the amount of time our field personnel are in this extreme heat, we have changed their working hours.  Please don't be alarmed if you see them out and about on the system...

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Adoption of new policy for RV/Campground connections and Inactive Services

May 30, 2023 The Board of Directors passed Ordinance 2023-02 pertaining to the following policies:

RV Parks/Campgrounds: District will use eight spaces to one meter equivalence when determining...

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Adoption of new rates & fees

May 30, 2023 The Board of Directors passed Ordinance 2023-01 pertaining to the Adoption of the following fees:

Tap Fee increase from $5,055 to $6,500 (When a new service is requested - increase...

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2022 Water Quality Report

See 2022 Water Quality Report by clicking this link 

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City of Terrell to Annex properties within our District

The City of Terrell held two public meetings yesterday regarding their annexation for 2023.  Please see our letter to our customers in NEWS ARTICLES on this website for more information.


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Annual Temporary Change in Water Disinfection

Beginning March 6th and continuing through April 3rd, NTMWD will conduct their annual temporary change in water disinfection process.

Although a necessary process, it can cause a change in the...

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Cancellation of Board of Directors Election

Two positions are open for the Board of Directors Election May 6, 2023.

The Election is unopposed and is therefore cancelled. 

Incumbents Maurice Pittman and Pete Slocum will continue in their...

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Closure for New Year's Holiday

Our office will be closed Monday January 2nd for the New Year Holiday.  Our answering service will dispatch any necessary water related emergency to the personnel on call. 

Wishing everyone a...

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Holiday Office Closure

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.  Our office will be closed December 23rd through December 26th for the Christmas Holidays.  We will reopen Tuesday, December 27th at 8:30 am.

As our...

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December Water Bills

With the new billing system came complications with the billing format which caused the bills due Dec 10th to mail out late.  Instead of the deadline of Nov 25th, the bills were mailed out on Nov...

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Notification of Election

Notice is hereby given that applications for a place on the College Mound Special Utility Districts' Board of Directors Regular Election ballot may be filed between January 18th 8:30 am to...

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We have finally gone LIVE with the new Customer Portal and payment system. 

If you have received a previous email from us, head on over to click on BILL PAYMENT the PAY YOUR...

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We are launching a new customer payment portal

We are so excited to bring a new payment portal and customer portal to you.  You will be able to see your actual bill with usage and so much more.

What do you need to do??  For now, IF you are...

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July 26, 2022, the Board of Directors, at a regularly called monthly Board of Directors' Meeting, adopted a monthly Dedicated Fire Line Meter Fee of $100.  The fee affects only those customers who...

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Rate Increase Approved by Board of Directors

Tuesday, July 26, 2022, the Board of Directors approved an increase to the base portion of our monthly rates.  This increase is due to an increase to us by NTMWD (.40/per 1000 gallons) and the...

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Construction Meter Deposit and Fees Change

July 26, 2022 at a regularly called Boad of Directors' Meeting, new deposit and monthly fees for a construction meter were approved by the Board of Directors. 

The Refundable Deposit shall be...

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Dedicated Fire Line Meter Fee Approved

July 26, 2022 at a regularly called monthly meeting, the Board of Directors approved a $100 monthly fee for those businesses on private properties with a dedicated fire line. This fee will be...

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College Mound Special Utility District Launches a Brand New Website! Subscribe Today!

We are excited to announce  our new website has launched and includes all the information our community needs related to their water service. Check back often, as we will be adding information...

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